For any new venture, getting to 40 years in business is hard to fathom. Even more, getting to that point with an all-star product line backed by extremely consistent quality delivery makes the task seem even more difficult. For Mill Creek Botanicals CEO, Panch Prasad, building the Mill Creek brand into one of the most recognized in the natural health field has been a journey of passion.
When Prasad purchased Mill Creek in the late-90s, he had big plans. The trained chemist and natural product advocate had spent 10 years representing the brand as an independent broker. He personally used many of the products himself, and thought there was still so much potential to grow the brand’s lineup and expand its market share. Today, Mill Creek is a global brand found in more than 45 countries that enjoys the highest level of brand awareness in the natural products industry.
While Mill Creek had a complete product line a decade ago, Prasad’s drive for innovation and growth has helped it grow to more than 100 SKU’s today. The company also recently released Mill Creek Baby, a collection of proprietary formulations for moisturizing and cleansing sensitive skin without harmful additives. The baby line idea came to Prasad from personal experience. He has several grandchildren and a new baby of his own, and found so many formulas weren’t as clean and natural as they claimed. Mill Creek could do better, he thought. And it did.
“Babies are so innocent and it can be so frustrating when you see their skin become irritated because a formulation isn’t as natural as it says it is on the bottle,” he added.
Prasad’s drive to add more unique proprietary formulations also led to his creating of a Mill Creek’s sub-category, Amazon Organics. The line’s daily cleansers, shampoo, conditioner and moisturizing creams are created with sustainably harvested Amazon Rainforest ingredients.
“I love growing a company, but it’s important to me that we do it right. We still continue to search for the best, purest ingredients that can be used in a way that is respectful of the environment from which they came,” Prasad said.
With its many unique and proprietary formulations, Mill Creek also adheres to strict PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) guidelines. Above all, Prasad said Mill Creek has been able to separate itself from the competition for two reasons: quality and price.
“Great health and great natural products should not only be for the upper class. Our greatest challenge in this industry is creating the best products at a price everyone can afford. I’m proud of the fact that Mill Creek has been doing that for quite some time,” Prasad added.
Started in 1975, Mill Creek has gained its share of industry recognition. In 2009 and 2010, it won the Best of Beauty Award from Better Nutrition Magazine. In 2003, it was a Nat’l Products Showcase Award for the best packaging and its environmentally sensitive practices at the Natural Product Expo. Once again, in 2011 MillCreek won Natural Choice Awards from the Whole Foods Magazine. With its global reach to more than 45 countries, including Asia, Europe and South America, Nevada-based Mill Creek is a prominent U.S. exporter. In 2007, Prasad was recognized with the “Exporter of the Year” award from the U.S. Department of Commerce. (U.S. Government.).
Prasad believes the company has an obligation to give back to its community. Mill Creek supports the Mayo Clinic for its Cancer and Parkinson’s disease research and is involved with Vitamin Angels, a global initiative that helps undernourished children achieve better health with natural supplements. Mill Creek also donates to local Nevada charities. For more information about Mill Creek and its growing product line and initiatives, visit:
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Panch Prasad